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Ive always felt pc gaming was cheaper, despite hearing others say the opposite. As far as PCs go its all about working with what you have. You could build one from scratch. You could save say 200 bucks, sell a old pentium 4 (if you had one), and use the sum to build or buy a new core 2 duo or i7. If you're lucky and say your parents already bought a core 2 duo, quad or i7 and they gave you 500 bucks to buy a ps3 or a 360 you could use that dough to get a Radeon HD3870 X2, maybe an extra gig of ram and BAM! It all depends on your budget and most importantly YOUR IMAGINATION. P.S. In some places, third world countries inparticular, pc gaming is cheaper than console gaming. Seriously, the price you have to pay for a consoles in developing countries is just crazy.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine