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I came back the next day. teehee

Look linkz if you knew the way frybread works you would be challenging this thread too, because it is a direct recommendation to build this pc instead of a ps3/360. He has a lot of hate for the hd consoles especially ps3, which is why he put it under ps3 price. (even though after thorough debating, it's doubtful for how many this pc would actually cost 350)

I'm sure you would agree, that this is not a pc to recommend to anyone except the really, really cash strapped.

Take this post in another thread which cites a post about a thread that frybread made on amazon forums:

"Actually, he is a total douche, give him time. You should have seen him spend 6+ hours one day bumping every post in the pS3 forum with his name in it. And I am not exagerrating, 6+ hours of sitting in front of his PC bumping threads. Then there is the time he posted MGS 4 spoilers in the title of thread before the game was released. Then there was the time he created 10+ accounts to praise,... himself, and his spoiler posting. Don't forget he is probably the only person to ever be banned three+ times from the Amazon forums. Forums I remind you, that have no moderators."

That thread was about the battle between two systems which he doesn't own. That's what he does.

His new sig even links to this page a tech page recommending this a similar pc as an alternative. He simply took that pc, gave it a dirt cheap case and mobo and degraded the ram.<--- absolutely unbelievable.

I still have yet to check if frybread was indeed challenged or whether he just took inspiration from the one he links to.