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I own Okami for both PS2 and Wii. I absolutely adore both versions. I love the rice paper effects for the PS2 version and the vivid colours of the Wii version. I still haven't finished the Wii version (currently in Yoshpet).

My only problems with the Wii version are all down to the fact that it's been ported by a team who obviously aren't as good as the genius developers at Clover (now Platinum). They've made some odd decisions that have made the game more cumbersome than it needs to be. Fleetfoot is a good example: why not just combine the nunchuk shake with holding a direction on the analogue stick, rather than use directional shake on the nunchuk? The shake controls for combat with reflectors or glaives could also have been improved with better visual cues to help you get the timing right.

Finally, they obviously needed to do more testing of the Power Slash brush technique as the number of times it fails is just frustrating. That's probably all down to the fact that it's easy to draw a straight line with an analogue stick, but quite difficult to do the same with a free hand pointer. They knew this (hence the 'straight line' button for drawing), but their solution just wasn't good enough.

I should say that all of these control issues are easily overcome with enough practice.

The only absolutely hateful thing about the game (both PS2 and Wii versions) is that damn Grande Blockhead in Kamui. He's an excercise in bad game design. Why create a spatial memory based task that totally exceeds the known capabilities of typical human spatial memory? Bastards!!!!