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kowenicki said:
@ ascended-saiyen

Many people (almost all) have played games (not computer games, role play games) as kids where they are cops 'n' robbers, soldiers...

I dont think anyone has ever played a game where they are a predatory, rapist of children..... which is what you can do in this game... it isnt just adults you get to "rape" in this game (bad enough) its minors too.

Perhaps you know someone that has? In which case I can recommend a good psychiatrist or better still a maxuimum security hospital ward.

It's called "playing doctor", it's part of sexual exploration for many children, and it has a component of prevarication and humiliation by an adult authority figure.

As for psychiatric help: each and every one of us has dark fantasies of violence and even rape, as predators or victims. There's nothing wrong in recognizing these fantasies and even playing with them. I personally know people who are perfectly healthy, cheerful individuals and at the same time like to indulge into sadomasochism and roleplay in their sexual life.

And you know what? No psychiatrist will tell that there's a problem with that, as long as they don't become an obsession and there's a very clear distinction on where the game ends and the reality begins.


"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman