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I'm amused by the blind views of many here. This is a game we're talking about. No one is hurt. There is no crime involved. It really is no different to GTA or Manhunt or any of a host of other games. Just because it is dealing with a crime that you do not find palatable does not make it worse than it dealing with a crime that you have less of an issue with. If you want this game banned, then why not ban, as a single example, Manhunt? Can you make a full and justified argument that makes consistent sense? Can you show where the harm to others actually occurs?

I'm opposed to censorship of material that hurts nobody, and this is a clear example of this. To be clear: nobody is hurt. Nothing happens to anyone real. It is only a game. If you don't like it, don't buy it. I won't, but that doesn't mean I'm against such a thing existing. If my daughter was killed in a drive-by, I may never play any game involving such circumstances again, but I would never call for them to be banned (I'd be the worse kind of hypocrite if I did).

Really, carefully consider your view here. Do you really want offensive games banned? If so, say goodbye to GTA, because that game offends more people than I care to consider. Why should what you find offensive be considered more important than what someone else finds deeply offensive? After all, what if a victim to a senseless crime much like one of the many perpetuated in GTA should get their hands on the game? How would they feel? Seems unfair that we should inflict such victims with games that so easily reproduce the circumstances of their nightmares. Ban GTA, I say, and ban this. Or not.