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Kantor said:
KillerMan said:
kowenicki said:

In how many countries is murder of one citizen by another accepted? Answer: None.. (dont bring the death penalty in, thats different)

In how many countries are women put down, belittled, enslaved and raped legally (mainly in mariage)? Answer: Quite a few.

Thats why its different

Everyone knows that murder isnt right, but maybe this game can help perpetuate the thought that rape and the control of women is ok. That is wrong.


Using the same logic games like GTA can help perpetuate the thought that killing is ok. You just shoot somebody in the head and then drive couple of miles and the cops no more chase you. it's no different.

Not really.

At no point does GTA glorify killing. You are a gangster, it is your job.

Having said that, a game like Manhunt rewards you for killing people in creative ways.

Now, let me explain why I agree with Kowenicki:

Games include "murder" because, to be frank, players enjoy it. It gives a sense of accomplishment, of achievement. Generally, the person you are killing (in a game) is evil, so you are making the world a better place. Very few people would even be able to consider the possibility of killing a human in real life. I know I couldn't. We are all taught that murder in real life is wrong, and yet violence in a video game is insane amounts of fun. There are no repercussions, and no guilt. No having to live with the fact that the person you killed will never breathe, eat, or see their family again.

And now rape. I don't see how anybody could enjoy that. But that is besides the point. People consider one who rapes a pervert; a sick, twisted bastard. Unlike killing, there can really be no justification for rape. You are knowingly causing pain to another human. There's no guilt of them never seeing the light of day again, but they are haunted for the rest of their life. Now, many people who could not consider killing somebody could commit rape with no feelings of remorse. We are taught from a young age that killing is bad, pretty much from the time we are born, while a young child will not know that rape is bad, he probably will not know what is going on, actually.

But that's not quite it. I don't think it could turn somebody into a rapist, just like GTA won't turn somebody into a gangster murderer, and LBP won't turn somebody into a piece of cotton. It's just sick. Really, really disgusting. As I said, in a war, killing can be considered honorable, in self defence, if the person is truly evil. There can never be a good reason to commit rape.

Then, of course, I, and most people in this thread, on this site, and in this world, would rather play a game with killing than a game with raping. How many ways can you kill, and how many ways can you rape? Without the fun factor, and with including something horrible and disgusting, there's really no excuse for this game to exist.

I don't really get this justification. Killing innocent civilians is ok because it's fun, feels good, and besides that's just what your character does? But a rape game isn't fun, doesn't feel good, and it's out of character for your avatar? Nope. Basically you're morally hardwired to find violence satisfying and raping wrong. Western culture is very violence oriented. Not That I'm complaining, I was just playing Mad World. But in GTA4 a middle aged woman will cower on the ground and beg not to be killed before you shoot her in cold blood for no good reason. How is that not morally abhorrent? Oh, right. It's fun.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.