theprof00 said: @soleron The ps3 doesn't need hd cables. It has tv cables. IT HAS a way to connect to a tv, whereas the video card does not by itself. If you bought them at a store you wouldn't get the kind of deals that are almost exclusive to online marketplaces like tigerdirect and newegg Oh, it's a whole 5$ more? then link me the card why don't you? A better looking smaller case will be quite expensive, comparitively, that's my whole point. You can also buy a shitbox car with rusted through doors and a muffler that sounds like a shotgun. But it'll run! Yeah it's another 10 dollars. It's another 5$ (or so you claim) for the tv-out and then another 5 for that cable and then 30$ (at the very very least) for shipping, and look. You're now past the cost of the ps3 and 360 challenge failed. |
What do you mean the PS3 comes with "TV cables"? Do you mean standard def cables? If so, wow, you've defeated the purpose of owning an HD Console. Getting a HD cable to run from your PC to your tv cost under $10, it's not a big deal.
Had to change my sig to get some moderator to quit bitching about it......