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kowenicki said:

I dont know where to begin with that post...

Women can and should be able to dress how they like... what has that got to do with rape?

Secondly, in your last paragraph are you saying that legalised prostitution would stop rape? If so, that is just silly and somewhat deluded.


      So are you saying that when women dress provocativey, then they are so naive that they think there's a 100% chance that they will attract no unwanted attention at all for doing so?  Are you saying that Rupert Murdoch doesn't expect to attract more viewers to his programs by putting on Megyn Kelly in low cut dresses that also reveal quite a bit of her legs than he would by putting some frumpy heavy-set girl that works at Costco on as his news reader?

     It probably wouldn't cut down on date rape or do much about the pedophiles that are heavily wired into abducting and raping and murdering girls.  But there is a certain type of individual that legalized, subsidized, affordable and quality prostitution would influence away from committing these types of crimes.

Heavens to Murgatoids.