City17 on 29 March 2009
Rainbird said: @ SpartanFX If you don't see anything fanboyish about the slogan, than you are certainly blinded. And if the slogan is just for VGC, then why is it being put on N4G? And the slogan is really bad. Like "PS3 with baby doll"-commercial bad. I wouldn't want anything like that anywhere near my signature. @ City17 The internet is full of fanboys who are either going to be outraged at this effort or expand upon it with something like "Xbox 360 is teh past!". There might be some PS3 fanboys out there who will join in because of the fun, but I doubt they are many. |
Well I just went and locked my door so I think I'll be safe! You seem uptight a little... Relax and it will all be over soon :) or not!