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libellule said:

- motorstorm2 was announced but just announced (no screens)

- Star Ocean 4 was announced (trailer) too BUT the plateform is unknow by us and by SE themselve apparently (PS3?/Xbox360?/both?) :

"""Star Ocean 4: Weiterhin keine Plattformangabe

21.09.07 - kazuhiko abe Square Enix hat sich auf der Tokyo Game Show weiterhin nicht dazu geäußert, auf welcher Hardware das Rollenspiel Star Ocean 4 erscheinen wird. Aufgrund eines gezeigten Trailers kommen derzeit aber nur PS3 und Xbox 360 in Betracht. Release: TBA (Japan)"""

==> supposed translation :

33 Square Enix did not want to say on which platform Star Ocean 4 will be released. Previously Famitsu revealed it would be released exclusively on Playstation 3 but Square Enix told on the Tokyo Games Show 2007 that it has not yet decided a specific platform for the game.

Though the shown trailer revealed it will most likely be Playstation 3 or Xbox 360, or maybe both.


I've never played Star Ocean, but was really looking to play it if it came to the 360.

Any RPG that cites Star Trek as an inspiration is... ... awesome!!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)