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@dib8rman - Did you even read it? She's clearly refering to and speaking only in terms of game developers, not men in general. She didn't call men neanderthals or any of that you're suggesting.

She clearly states game developers (95% of which are male, granted) avoid putting responsibility, introspection, intimacy, and intellectual discovery into games. In that she is right.

Her point is that the industry is still acting like adolescents because that's what it mostly displays - adolescent fantasies. Worse when it comes to female games - they're all pre-teen fantasies, not even adolescent.

Obviously games like pac-man and Wii Sports are not covered, she's clearly talking about games with a narrative. And while there are a handful of exceptions she makes a valid point.

She's not man bashing. She's bashing the industry for not thinking in broader context than just appealing to the 14-24 male demographic. Yeah, sure that demographic buys games. But so does everyone else if you give them a reason too.