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- motorstorm2 was announced but just announced (no screens)

- Star Ocean 4 was announced (trailer) too BUT the plateform is unknow by us and by SE themselve apparently (PS3?/Xbox360?/both?) :

"""Star Ocean 4: Weiterhin keine Plattformangabe

21.09.07 - kazuhiko abe Square Enix hat sich auf der Tokyo Game Show weiterhin nicht dazu geäußert, auf welcher Hardware das Rollenspiel Star Ocean 4 erscheinen wird. Aufgrund eines gezeigten Trailers kommen derzeit aber nur PS3 und Xbox 360 in Betracht. Release: TBA (Japan)"""

==> supposed translation :

33 Square Enix did not want to say on which platform Star Ocean 4 will be released. Previously Famitsu revealed it would be released exclusively on Playstation 3 but Square Enix told on the Tokyo Games Show 2007 that it has not yet decided a specific platform for the game.

Though the shown trailer revealed it will most likely be Playstation 3 or Xbox 360, or maybe both.

Time to Work !