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JamesCizuz said:
reptile168 said:
Nintendo 64 was better in graphics, loading times, and controller (it was the original analog stick + rumble), while PS1 had more games and better media (CD that is cheaper for developers and more storage).


The controller was the worst part, anyone who who say it's better due to it has nostalgia gogoles on. Also, it was not the first with analog, nor the first with rumble.


In fact most game consoles from the 19 fucking 70s using an analog stick. Up to and including stuff like atari 5200 and 2600. In fact the reason it stopped being used is because of the popularity of the NES controller, and sega controller, even though analog was much better for most things.


Rumble wasn't included with the 64 controllers either, it was a add-on so that point is moot. 64 would be the first console to have rumble, edging out PS1 by 4 months. Both were working on rumble feedback but nintendo rushed it. Rumble did exist on PC however before then.



I find it funny, people like to say nintendo "brings" new ideas. Rumble? No. d-pad? No. Analog? No. Motion control? No. List goes on and on.


Motion control was nothing new with WII, hell it wasn't even the first console to do it. PS1 had a third party controller which worked on 4 axis, which could be used with any game, hell most stores had a deal, buy warhawk get it half off.


Gaming libary I loved 64, it had so many memorable games I wouldn't trade for the world. But does it deserve to win? No. Not even close. I hate it really, everytime someone mentions a nintendo consoles, you'll notice something... A certain string of words come up, such as mario, and zelda, repeated many times. They are icons, there games are great, but it's sad it's what most people can only name on a console. What was good on n64?

mario 64!

Zelda OOT and majora's mask!

Mario party!

Paper mario!

Mario Kart!

Not to say thats bad, but where is the variety? Sure goldeneye existed and a few other ones, but for every good game that didn't have mario or zelda in the title, existed 5 more on the PS1, which were either better or just as good.(Not saying goldeneye wasn't the best FPS of the time, it was)... But it's weird.


Even now, what great WII games are there? Zelda twilight princess! Mario Galaxy! Paper mario.... mario kart.... metroid....


It's not a bad thing, but it's the same stuff every generation with a few other noteworthy releases. The PS1 had a libary twice the size of 64, and on average much more games rated above 85, more AAA games. This isn't an opinion which was better, PS1 won, both in sales, and reviews.


You are aware that from the n64 on, the rumble feature, the analog controllers and the 4 controller ports became standards.  Did they invent them no, but they did make them the standard.   Yes Sony came out with the Rumble feature shortly after Nintendo, of course that was after they saw them demo of the rumble feature at one of the trade shows (e3 or spaceworld)  The playstation's controllere was just a simple evolution over the SNES controller (nothing wrong with that by the way it was great).  On a side note the Gamecube also perfected the wireless controller the following generation which became standard, again didn't invent it but perfected it.

Yes the ps1 had more quality games but when you have hundreds of more games than the n64 that is going to happen.  Most 3rd parties left Nintendo for the cheaper cd format, so for the number of games the n64 had the amount of classics is amazing.  Of course Mario and Zelda games are going to be stated as the top games beacuase they are always great games.  Mario 64 made 3d games popular and the Ocarnia of Time is still considered one of the best games ever.  Lets not forget Super Smash Brothers had its first game on the n64 as well as Mario Party.(Mario Party games aren't great but the first one was pretty damn fun back in the day)  GoldenEye was one of the first great shooters ever on a video game console, who knows maybe we don't see microsoft in the market if Nintendo didn't show a shooter can sell 8 million copies.  The wrestling games on the 64 are considered some of the best wrestling games ever, as they were so easy to just jump in and play and quite a blast to play as well.  Everything Rare made was awesome( both Banjo Kazooies, GoldenEye, BlastCorps, Conker, Donkey Kong 64, Jet Force Jemini, Diddy kong racing, Perfect Dark all classic games)  Acclaim made some very good games as well with the Turok and extreme g series.  Micschief Makers, Wave Race, the amazing Star Fox game, my favorite hocky game of all time the Wayne Gretzky 3d hocky as well as NBA hangtime were all awesome.  Not to mention one of the best ps1 games came to the n64 in Resident Evil 2.  So many great games that I can not name them all the Kobe Bryant basketball games, Paper Maio, Goaman, and so many more games.

The ps1 was a great system as well.  I loved Resident Evil 1 and 2.  Everything Square made on the system was great especially Final fantasy 7&9, Chrono Cross, and Valkyre Profile.  I loved the Tomb Raider games, Metal Gear solid and Tony Hawk.  Outside of that I can't remember much else that stood out. 

Both Systems were great the N64 just topped it in every way from my perspective.  It comes down to whoever owned just a ps1 will say that was the best system and there were quite a few more ps1 owners than n64 owners.  Whoever owned just the n64 will say that system was the best.  Whoever owned both system are really only the ones that should comment on this topic.  I can see why someone would say one is better than the other but really both systems were really top notch and it was a great generation to be a gamer.  The first time I played Super Mario 64 and the first time I played Resident Evil 1 were some of the biggest "awe yeah" moments in gaming, showing such a great jump from where we were in the SNES Genesis days.