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Microsoft for sure, then Nintendo. Microsoft is becoming a Monopoly, they already own 95% of the computer Market, and now thye have about 1/4 of the gaming community they already have enough money they dont need more money. I dont give a shit about XBL nothing could ever make me pay to play a game online, Sony is becoming better than XBL and not because they nearly ripped off everything that XBL has, but also that they managed to make it free and have lag free servers for their games (although they are dedicated).

Nintendo has a little more than 1/4 of the gaming market but Sony definitly has 1/2 of the market with the success of all their systems (even the PSP is somewhat successful, espescially since their going up against the Gameboy/advanced/SP/Nintendo DS.)

 Nintendo has all the old school gamers that never had a girlfreind and live in their parents basement playing D'n'D. They need to grow up and move out and stop playing god damn Zelda.

And to all these kids that are between 11-16 saying that the Wii is the best system ever is because they dotn have jobs and rely on their parents to buy them consoles and their parents arent going to spend $599 on a top of the line Console/Entertainment Center. Son they really wanted a PS3 but they cant afford it so they are trying to justify having a Wii and that its better because the PS3 costs more than they have in their life savings.