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reptile168 said:
Nintendo 64 was better in graphics, loading times, and controller (it was the original analog stick + rumble), while PS1 had more games and better media (CD that is cheaper for developers and more storage).


The controller was the worst part, anyone who who say it's better due to it has nostalgia gogoles on. Also, it was not the first with analog, nor the first with rumble.


In fact most game consoles from the 19 fucking 70s using an analog stick. Up to and including stuff like atari 5200 and 2600. In fact the reason it stopped being used is because of the popularity of the NES controller, and sega controller, even though analog was much better for most things.


Rumble wasn't included with the 64 controllers either, it was a add-on so that point is moot. 64 would be the first console to have rumble, edging out PS1 by 4 months. Both were working on rumble feedback but nintendo rushed it. Rumble did exist on PC however before then.



I find it funny, people like to say nintendo "brings" new ideas. Rumble? No. d-pad? No. Analog? No. Motion control? No. List goes on and on.


Motion control was nothing new with WII, hell it wasn't even the first console to do it. PS1 had a third party controller which worked on 4 axis, which could be used with any game, hell most stores had a deal, buy warhawk get it half off.


Gaming libary I loved 64, it had so many memorable games I wouldn't trade for the world. But does it deserve to win? No. Not even close. I hate it really, everytime someone mentions a nintendo consoles, you'll notice something... A certain string of words come up, such as mario, and zelda, repeated many times. They are icons, there games are great, but it's sad it's what most people can only name on a console. What was good on n64?

mario 64!

Zelda OOT and majora's mask!

Mario party!

Paper mario!

Mario Kart!

Not to say thats bad, but where is the variety? Sure goldeneye existed and a few other ones, but for every good game that didn't have mario or zelda in the title, existed 5 more on the PS1, which were either better or just as good.(Not saying goldeneye wasn't the best FPS of the time, it was)... But it's weird.


Even now, what great WII games are there? Zelda twilight princess! Mario Galaxy! Paper mario.... mario kart.... metroid....


It's not a bad thing, but it's the same stuff every generation with a few other noteworthy releases. The PS1 had a libary twice the size of 64, and on average much more games rated above 85, more AAA games. This isn't an opinion which was better, PS1 won, both in sales, and reviews.