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yorch said:
NanakiXI said:
sethnintendo said:

PS1 is why I started disliking Sony in the first place since I bought a first generation PS1 which of course overheated right after the warranty ran out. I will never buy a single Sony product again except maybe a movie which unfortunately they have some decent ones.


How in the HELL did you overheat your PS1!!! I left mine on for weeks at a time or even 2 months when I first got it and had no memory card. It still works I just put it in a box sometime last year. I mean the thing is held together with duct tape and a few minor repairs here and the but I abused the hell out of it. It was like that pair of sneakers you were never able to part with. :P

Bad design... the first wave of PS1 had the laser lens way close to the adapter...

Second wave PS1 had the problem solved AFAIK.

Mine died too...


On topic... I had both... and despite the lack of games, N64 is my favourite console of all time (and I play games since the Atari2600 came out).

SM64, Jet Force Gemini, Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong, Perfect Dark, Zelda, Turok 2, Shadowman, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.... they were so superior to the ps1 games It was not even fair (I think shadowman maybe was on PS1 too...)

As I don't like FF or MGS games (don't think they are bad either, just not my type), the only games I remember with such passion are Silent Hill1 and Soul Edge



Man I must have been one lucky basterd. Since I have bought every system since I was old enough at launch (I used to sell alot of lemonade in Chicago during the late spring/summer/early fall). (excluding the 360 & DS)

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."