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Nowadays, the Feminist movement is over-played, and over-eccentric. I could understand it maybe in the 70's and 80's, but if we ever have a draft re-enacted in my country, only men will be listed. I think equal pay should be funded for equal work (quality of work/physical quantity, not hours put in), but the truth is, most videogame developers and hardcore videogame players are NOT WOMEN. Last time we were talking about games in my class, the only girls who openly played them for fun only played WiiSports, Nintendogs, GH/RB (Singing only, -_-) and stupid itouch flash-quality games... And I know only 2 other female friends who play videogames... One is a Zelda fan, and the other mooches off of her boyfriend's console with games she "buys him".

The truth is, most girl gamers are really casual gamers, and most game concept designers/directors... are guys... and this apparent feminist needs to learn to face the music...