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Some interesting points and I guess there's passion in them there words. But you know videogames have arrived at a time when commerce issues tend to far outweigh art.

Films & music already have art as an accepted part of their makeup, but its pretty clear that most of the time its the dumb movies and MOR music that make the most money.

Videogames don't really have the crutch of an established core for art and already the cost/rewards risks are so high that in many ways the industry is in catch 22 - the lowest risk is to produce another slick, well made FPS, etc. game leveraging the same sterotypes or another franchise release such as Mario, etc.

Of course there's also games like Portal, Flower, Braid, LBP, Wii Sports etc. that are all wonderfully original and somewhat risky in nature (although obviously Braid and Flower are a much lower cost risk than something like LBP but consider the risk of Wii Sports and the Wii itself).

At the end of the day a majority of the spending is going to go on low risk projects - that means more of the same in established genres following proven templates.

A quick look at the Live charts and 360 titles shows that a huge portion of its fanbase wants more Halo / Gears titles with more online mayhem and developers are going to give it to them to reap the rewards.  How many developers are going to sit and go 'let's try and change this, let's try and switch those players off those titles onto something much more mature and worthwhile' vs 'hey, do you think there's room for another FPS in there is we add a bit more violence or maybe put in even more online ways to frag'...

The fact is a lot of those buying/playing games are adolescent or aren't seeking anything more than adolescent experiences or just plain fun - and the same is true of films and music in many ways.

The difference is it's accepted (and supported) that you can also turn to films and music for mature experiences as well, even if they are unpleasant ones or difficult truths, and that's just not true for videogames yet. Not remotely IMHO.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...