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Is there any sort of single-cell or greater life outside of Earth? Yes. I believe that we've even discovered *some* microbial lifeforms on good 'ol Mars. So it exists outside of our own lush planet.

Is it sentient? I'm going to bet on 'no' for now. Given popular scientific methods concerning the age of the universe, and how long it took, even under the most generous of models for humans to 'evolve' into what we now are, is only a small drop in the bucket of overall time.

Because of that, I think that if there was organized, intelligent life out there, it would of had millions, and maybe billions of years to rule the galaxy...And you'd think that they'd of tried to contact us by now.

On the other end of the spectrum, as a Christian, I give into the possibility that we're not God's first or only creation....I don't see why, in His limitless ability, would want to create one scrawny planet in a solar system on the edge of the milky way, and invest his omnipotence into just us.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.