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forevercloud3000 said:


Funny how you named a ton of the games due out for PS3 and PSP that have not seen the light of day yet. And Last Remenant that should have been out months ago and SE now dodges all questions about it's existance. The other half are remakes and rehashes. That is the best you got?

And SE is still not supporting the PS3 like it is supporting the 360, or even the Wii.(1) You said that the reason why SE supports PSP more than PS3 is becuase of larger userbase. So WHY are none of their JRPGs so far this gen for the PS3 by them? You know, the system with 3times the install base of the 360 in the area where JRPGs matter MOST! (2)

And once again, where in the OP did I mention handhelds? (3) I'm talking about HD consoles, SE, and their failings to put out anything good on any of them so far.

I like how you all pretend that you can just be satisfied with handheld RPGs, and just forget that HD console RPGs even exist. Sry but I am way more into HD RPGs then handhelds. (4) I might buy them occasionally, but I think Console RPGs are better(at least COULD/Should be better) then those on DS and PSP.


People like you keep making this a Sony vs MS vs Wii thing.

...Because the Wii is getting FFXIII and FFvXIII, right?

2. Because they were meant to appeal to consumers in the West. Also, stop pretending like FFXIII doesn't exist.

3. Stop ignoring where the good games are.

4. Which is to say, this gen, that you're not really into RPGs at all. Got it.