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sam12 said:

 I totally forgot about the IPOD. I was thinking about getting a new one eventually and I forgot it now comes with games. That would be perfect. This way I can use it for gaming wherever I go and then also use the Wii when others are around in my house or when I want to play a game at home. Is it just the classic IPOD that comes with games or is the Nano and the IPOD touch for games too?

Both the new Nano and new Classic come with 3 games.  The Touch cannot play iTunes games but if you go wifi with it you can play some online games.  I am hoping that it allows games by the time I may get it (a while from know).  Right now there are 6 games that may be played on the newer iPods and there are 17 games that may be played in the old iPod Video.  My guess is, new games will stop coming out for the old iPod Video but continue coming out for new iPods.  And the games are only $5.

currently playing: Desktop Tower Defense (PC), Puzzle Quest (DS), Trauma Center New Blood (Wii), Guitar Hero III (Wii), Ghost Squad (Wii), Actraiser (SNES), Donkey Kong County (SNES), The Legend of Zelda (NES), Kirby's Adventure (NES)

will play next: Paper Mario (N64), Golden Axe II (Sega), NiGHTS (Wii)


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