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The negative response are from people who don't like the Wii, duh.  And even if you are just flamebaiting this'll still be useful for those people who really are interested, so here goes:

 Let's see.  Zelda:  Pointer rocks for aiming, shaking the nunchuk to do the spin attack meant I used that technique a lot more in actual combat instead of just fumbling with rotating the joystick the few times I was required to.  The sword swinging by waving the remote was ok but nothing special imo.

Trauma Center:  Pretty much entirely pointer-driven, not much MD at all except in a couple small instances like the guy mentioned like turning a screwdriver.  Nunchuk joystick selects one of 8 tools by pushing it in one of 8 directions, then use the remote pointer with A and/or B to apply it, it's pretty simple and rather intense with the speed at higher difficulties.

Elebits:  All pointer again, kind of like a beginner's FPS.  You zap the little creatures and point and grab onto objects then move the pointer away to fling the objects away.  Move the cursor to the edge of the screen to rotate the camera which is kinda slow sometimes but doesn't really detract for this game.

Madden:  Some gimmicky controls and some really good ones.  Flings the remote to either side to do a stiff-arm to that side.  Fling the nunchuk side to side to juke in that direction.  Shove both nunchuk and remote forward to break through a tackle or make a big hit on someone (like launching yourself forward).  Fling remote overhand to throw a pass, flick upwards to hike the ball or kick it for punt/FG/kickoff.  Raise both remote and nunchuk to raise your arms to catch a pass.  Raise remote and flick it down to bat down a pass.  Pointer used to select plays and pick players to control on the field (can also use buttons), can also fake pick plays for multi-player.  Others I'm forgetting no doubt but those are the mains. Normal buttons for boost, spin move, strafe, and dive, joystick moves d-pad selects receivers.

Marvel:  UA:  The most gimmicky of the ones I've played so far they're essentially button replacements with no pointer usage.  Side swipe does a trip attack, down swipe does a stun attack, up swipe does a pop-up attack, forward thrust does a knockback attack, and a shake does a normal attack but so does the A button so I just use that or my arm really would get tired.  Holding B and doing these motions does different powers.  Tilting the nunchuk side to side rotates the camera which is a nice use.  Different buttons used to jump and block, joystick to move around, dpad to select different heroes, normal stuff.

Monkey Ball:  The mini-games are very hit or miss but I like the single-player mode on its own too.  Uses just the remote, you hold the remote flat pointing forward and tilt it in a direction to tilt the world in that direction, causing the monkey in a ball to roll around on the course.  A button jumps.  Multiplayer minigames use all kind of wacky controls, some work, some don't, I'm not gonna list 'em all here.

All I have so far aside from Wiisports of course.  Also looking to get Rayman, Super Swing Golf, Sonic, SSX Blur, Godfather, and Paper Mario out of the games that are already out, I have some catching up playing to do. ;)