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Nidan said:
MikeB said:
@ erikguy

The PPE doesnt process any game information. It just distributes processing jobs to the SPEs.

Sure it does, many multi-platform PS3 games don't even use the SPEs yet.

For example the visually impressive yet mediocre game Genji 2 is confirmed not the be using the SPEs at all. Reread the long list of developer comments, PS3 developers are still just in the process of moving more of their game engines onto the SPEs. By doing so, they actually take workload off the PPE, which can then concentrate on for example AI or other things, but like in Heavenly Sword and Lair the opposite can also be done by putting much of their AI on the SPEs.

Hi everyone, i read VGcharts daily, but only decided to join the forums after reading this amusing thread.

(if anything i am a Nintendo fanboy)

Anyway on with my point: I find it strange that a game like Genji 2 is confirmed to not be sing the SPEs at all when they will be using the sony PS3 complier, which as any good complier would optimize the code as best as the can to use idle SPE.

Sure programming directly for the SPEs would give better results than the generic complier, but i really find it hard to believe that the SPEs are not used at all.

I have no arguments that the CPU on the PS3 has higher potential than the Xenon, but the Graphic chip on the Xbox is far better than on the PS3 which in my opinion makes up for it’s down fall. That coupled with the xbox being released a year earlier should provide a huge advantage for MS as with time the DEVs are able to optimize their code to push out a little bit more.

I like to think of it this way, we can always talk about what’s coming in 6- 12 months but I want to play it now and not waste my time. The Xbox360 through this generation will be the now, while PS3 will be the later (except for timed releases which have been engineered to tackle this). I don’t want to be the person playing the hottest game 6 months after my friends when they have moved onto something better and newer!!!!!

MS only blunder this generation is the RROD, if they tackle it soon then they will be dominant, if they don’t the PS3 may edge them out. ( anyone that flames that Xbox live costs money hasn’t even experienced it and doesn’t know what they are missing)

My only other issue about the memory bandwidth / latency issue is that no one has taken the time to really explain it to MikeB fully, I don’t have the time at the moment to explain it fully, but its my opinion that if explained fully and correctly MikeB opinion may sway a little. (If I do get time, I will make a post)

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