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forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:

Very, very, very few games are not suitable to my tastes, because I play games to experience them. My tastes and my preferences are wide and far-reaching and they grow every time I partake in a new experience.

But I don't have infinite money.

Almost all games interest me to some degree, some just interest me less than others.

And there is a difference between saying "I am not going to buy that" and "That game is garbage". Do not confuse the issue. I have never made a qualitative value judgment on a game I haven't played. In not playing it, I give up the right to do that.

Tomato Tomaato

there are games everyone simply will not pick up because they do not deem them worthy of buying/playing.

What you call "low interest" I call unappealing, both reaching the same effect. They both equal us not purchasing a particular game because of it. If this is true then the game is indeed "Not good enough"?

Whether you want to admit it or not. Everytime you pass up one game for another, you passed judgement upon it. Just because you dont want to use the same harsh words that I do (garbage,shovelware) doesn't mean that it doesn't cross your mind when finding a suitable game.

Not low interest, less interest. I bought a DS instead of a PSP because the DS held a higher interest level for me at the time, but that's not a qualitative statement about the PSP.

It's not that the game is not good enough - it's simply that other games present themselves as being of greater interest. My default position is that if I had infinite time and infinite money I would probably play every single game that's ever been produced, because I feel I would be enriched by the experience.

And no, you're still wrong. I have never passed judgment on a game I haven't played. Doing so would be foolish, and you are partaking in foolish behavior when you say a game is crap when you haven't had the opportunity to play it. That's all there is.