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forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:

Are you also passing judgement on games you have never played?


I dont have to play 50 cent Blood on the Sand to know that it's garbage. Same goes for any other game. Is it not true that one of a game's main objectives is to attract the audience to play it in the first place?

A FPS fan doesn't need to play an RPG to know that he doesn't like one. or vice versa.Why is this that different?

All that is needed to make a proper judgement on a game is a little bit of research on it to formulate your opinion on it.

And I have played FFXII:RW.......still hate it. Same goes for Space Invaders.

Yes I am going to say that you lack the perspective to formulate an opinion about a game you haven't played. Don't be ridiculous.