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forevercloud3000 said:
Onyxmeth said:
Garamond said:
Square-Enix has realized they can't make good games anymore so their just using the DS and PSP to remake or re-release their good old games.

But they want you to buy their bad games too.

And their old games you may already have.

They like money.


Crisis Core:Great
The World Ends With You:OK
Sigma Harmonics
Arkanoid DS
Space Invaders Extreme
The Legend of Kage 2
Chocobo Tales
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift:Great
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Since you may have forgotten these games exist, I thought I would give you a healthy reminder.


and the rest either didn't interest me in the slightest or looked like rubbish.


There's really no reason for anyone to listen to you at this point. I know about the hidden agenda of this thread. I know why it's in the Sony forum. I know why you concentrated your efforts on three measly 360 RPGs instead of concetrating your arguments on the bulk of Square's efforts which are on the handhelds. You are sorely mistaken if you think you are fooling anybody into thinking this thread has just purposes. At this point it's best you not respond to me because my next reply to you will be me pulling up your post history regarding your real feelings towards Square Enix, their relationship with Sony and how much Microsoft plays into it.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.