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1) The system that sells the best is not necessarily for everyone.

2) Lots of systems that don't "win" the console war still have great games for them and still provide tons of enjoyment for those who own them.

It looks to me like all three of the consoles are going to have a good share of very worthwhile games this generation. Remember as a great example: the Dreamcast was Sega' death knell -- it killed their hardware platforms! -- and yet it's remembered by many as the best system they ever had.

Just like to point this out occasionally, because I think we begin to equate "best selling" with "the very best and all the other systems suck and they lose and they're fat." Honestly, look at each system; they all have some great games coming out.

<3 to all


Edit: And uh, it's supposed to be "periodic" reminder. Ugh. That's a nice little typo.">">