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NanakiXI said:
Rei said:
Isnt it ironic that PS3-only people are complaining about SE games quality? Always amazes me how people who have never played SO4 and Last Remnant are calling these games "garbage".


Ignorant statment there buddy. Just because I don't own a 360 doesn't mean I didn't in the past. I actually purchased a 360 soley for Blue Dragon. It broke on me a week later but that is another subject.

I owned a DS though and not a PSP. I enjoy some Square RPG's but other than that I play Disgaea on it. (My PSP with Disgaea was stolen ) I love FFVII but Crises Core was disappointing to me (but FFVII fans have blinders and think everything FFVII is geat )

I had a Wii played some games and beat them. Then sold it at full price minus the controller around christmas. Then I sold the controller for $50. The Wii ended up being a great deal at the end basically cause everything was pratically free since I got the same price back that I paid.

On another subject my friend is a big RPG fan and has every RPG LTD for his 360 and I have played them all. They were good but too me nothing has been as good, SquarEnix wise since Radiata Stories.

So far my most favorite RPGs this gen are Folklore, Disgaea 3, Tales of Vesper and none are SquareEnix.

Your point is moot.

I dont see what part of your post makes my point wrong? You've played them and you dont think they are garbage. Most people who do never have.