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NanakiXI said:

Why is it so popular to hate on Final Fantasy VII???

I mean even if it is not your cup of tea why bash it compared to other FFs? It is a good game regardless of story and for me the whole story was the cherry on top. I mean it wouldn't have the loyal fanbase it had if it sucked and so many spin-offs. It just really is popular to hate FFVII cause it gets praised more than VI,VII,and XI most of the time. People are just upset but I beleive if VIII/XI came out before VII it would have been the same story. I still would have loved them all the same.

There needs to be more FFVII love in here.

People accuse this... but the people who complain are often people who.... like me played it at launch.

The gameplay mechanics, the sound, the story.... all were sub par in comparison to previous games.

Even graphics wise i would argue were subpar compared to the SNES games outside of the cutscens.

I'll take 2D midgets over 3D polygons anyday.