OK here are the games I own:
And before I start let me say this, all those previews where you see people swinging their arms all over the place is crazy most if not all the movements can be done with simple flicks of the Wii-mote.
Zelda TP: Bascailly like what vanguardian1 said.
Excite Truck: Takes a bit to get used to because it's so sensitive but becomes amazing simple to control, you hold the Wii-mote to the side a steer like a normal truck.
WarioWare: That's like a big tech demo but fun, it will show you almost everything that the Wii-mote can do.
DragonballZ: This game can be play three ways: Wiimote/classic controller/GC controller, With the Wii-mote there are so many different things I would be able to type them all but you can shake the nunchuck down to dash at your oppention, and to do special moves you do them like they did on the cartoon. Goku kamehameha you pulls the Wii-mote back then forward but you must hold certain buttons that way you won't do moves unless you want to.
Sonic: Sonic runs on his own so you really just move him from left to right, you press 2 to jump and shake the Wii-mote to attack, press up on the D-Pad to activate the Super Speed and down to activate the time freeze.
Metal Slug: No Motion controls except shaking the Nunchuck to throw a grenade.
FarCry: Like the PC keyboard and mouse, but you have to set the sensitivity right other wise the Wii-mote will have you going in circle shake the Nunchuck to reload.
Godfather: The You tube video.
Wii Play/Wii Sport: Tech demos they show alot of the potential uses of the Wii-mote much like WarioWare but they have longer games.
Trauma Center: You use the Wii-mote mostly as a pointer, but with varias different uses, for example you might a scapel where you press B to cut someone normally on a certain mission you use it to unscrew a bomb you have to turn the Wii-mote like you would a screw driver.
Rayman: It has various controller as well, kinda like Warioware but with better graphics and longer games, like on one game you spin a cow around a throw him, well you have to spin the Wii-mote around a then press B to let go, also there is a game on Rayman that is like a on rails shooter might let you know how RE: UC will play.
Red Steel: Like PC keyboard and mouse, but when sword fighting you have two swords, you can swing the Wii-mote in different directions to swing your sword around whil using the Nunchuck to parry.
I own a few more games I will put those up in a little while. Also, you can play some VC games with the GC controller but no GC games with the classic controller. Also you can play some VC games with the Wii-mote.