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Onyxmeth said:
NanakiXI said:
Half the shit in magazines and online is photoshopped anyways. Your point? Yes it could be fake or not, but you proved nothing except anyone can photoshop fonts into a white background. Congrats!

He proved how easy it is, and it needed to be said because of the likelihood this is photoshopped. It doesn't make sense for the PS3 to require a streaming disc to run Netflix because the PS3 contains a hard drive, and this is word for word the same survey as the Wii's, when the streaming disc made sense. Excuse some people for trying to debunk what seems like a fake.



Common knowledge is that it is easy as hell to photoshop. Even way more complicaited pictures are easily minipulated by photoshop. Even a person with no knowledge. Yes it can be and yes more than likely possible. I'm arguing the fact of stating the obvious possibility it is fake. I even said it could be fake and the article from where it came from said it was fake.

The reason it may be on a disc is the possibility that Sony would not officially support a thing like this in their firmware updates since they are competing with Netflix on their own PSN network. Kinda know how Gameshark wasn't exactly supported by the consoles they worked on but could be legally sold.

Chances are that this is not true as we would hear something forom Sony first. I could possibly see a colaberation between Sony and Netflix that would be more benificial to both companies.


I wasn't trying to be an ass towards you although it may have come out that way. It just angers me that everyone is always willing to write something off as fake or photoshopped. Gets annoying after a while, especially when a few things I've posted on other sites before came out to be true but everyone told me it was fake at the time. I rather think "hell yeah, this could happen" instead of thinking "fuck, they are going to lie again".

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."