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ooo i like this idea cause im swamped with them.

I have bought every single Onimusha game (exluding the fighting game) and havn't touched a single one except Dawn of Dreams because of the co-op. I realllly want to play them....but so many games are coming out lately.

I got about half-way through valkyria chronicles, but decided to stop because lately i have become trophy whore and am hoping they get implemented with the DLC coming out.

I quit playing little big planet cause there are just so many games out as well and feel it's more of a party game and will get around to it when friends come over.

I have yet to beat Xenosaga III as whenever i play a game i force myself to play every game in the series in order, and well.....xenosaga pretty damn big as i can never find it in myself to skip a cutscene.

I really want to play the .hack GU series but time yet again. I really am amazed how many good games are coming out lately...

Final Fantasy XII......I really like the game despsite what everyone else says but i always quit like 2 hours towards the ending...It's like something triggers in my brain saying " oh no don't let the game be over :(

I have completely done dark cloud 2 but, I always want to go back to it. I will plug it in again when Dark Cloud 3 is close to coming out ( was it even announced? )

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2