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Closing Comments
The frame issues from Ring of Fates were ironed out, and the story sequences, while simple, re voiced and well done. Simpler story, stronger emphasis on action.

IGN Ratings for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (DS)
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
8.5 Presentation
The frame issues from Ring of Fates were ironed out, and the story sequences, while simple, re voiced and well done. Simpler story, stronger emphasis on action.
8.5 Graphics
Just as impressive as Square’s previous Crystal Chronicles on DS. Beautiful model work and effects team with some multi-level 3D labyrinths to run around in.
8.5 Sound
VO returns, though there’s a bit less overall. The music is again impressive, with tracks returning from Ring of Fates, as well as new additions.
8.5 Gameplay
An all-around impressive dungeon crawler. Multiplayer is a blast, though moronic team AI gets in the way when playing on your own. Improved magic system.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
Linking up with DS or Wii is a nice touch, and the ability to host or visit freely gives DS an edge over the console version. It thrives as a portable, pocket title.
(out of 10 / not an average)



Closing Comments
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time is a great dungeon crawler that is not only a step above Ring of Fates, but also one of the best loot-based hack n slash games outside of PC. With that being said, the easy purchase isn’t found on Nintendo’s console, but on DS, where the intended touch control, two screen presentation, on-the-go local and online gaming, and audio/visual offering is at the top of the system’s library, and not lost in the shuffle. On Wii you’re getting an emulation of the same game, though with no visual upgrades, tacked on IR control, the ability to take your character to a friend’s system locked out (except on Wi-Fi), and an overall lackluster port over it doesn’t seem worth it. If the Wii offering was a cheaper WiiWare program that let you play DS games on your Wii (or even just this DS game on your Wii), I’d be all for it. At full price, however, and with a lackluster control scheme to boot, there’s just no reason to play this one on consoles. It’s obvious that Square Enix is trying to fill a gap in its Wii library, and is justifying the DS port by adding in crossover support. If you own both systems, buy Echoes of Time for DS, and wait for the real Crystal Chronicles Wii game which is hitting later down the line. The concept of a DS-to-Wii connected game is one that needs to be done, but more than that, it needs to be done right. Echoes of Time is a great DS game, and it should be played on DS.

IGN Ratings for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Wii)
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
5.0 Presentation
The two screen display is far from ideal on Wii. There’s no way to make one widow full screen, so you’re constantly swapping between two tiny ones. IR feels tacked on vs. touch.
4.0 Graphics
Great graphics for a DS, far from average on Wii. You can see actual tiled textures, models aren’t up to snuff for Wii… do I need to go on? It’s a DS game.
6.5 Sound
The music is great, though all voice and sound quality is compressed for DS, and not Wii.
6.5 Gameplay
Echoes of Time is a great dungeon crawler, but the Wii version is a clunky port over. IR doesn’t work as well a touch, and managing the two screens can be a pain.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
If you can look past the control issues on Wii, the core game is still extremely deep, and very fun. Connecting to users on both systems online is a nice touch.
(out of 10 / not an average)



I guess everybody saw it coming. So, praise SE for the DS game or tell them what you think about the Wii port here