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I definitely agree with these:

-Doom: As long as it stays a first-person shooter, and it gets good online.

-Portal: Of course, all the Valve games like HL2 and stuff NEED to be on Wii!

-Crazy Taxi: I was thinking the same thing, I dont like your title though. Crazyrift sounds like space. No thanks to space.


Some additions to the list:

-GTA: With the recent success of GTA DS, why not? Make it happen rock star! And use the intuitiveness of GTA DS in a Wii version as well! Twisting the Wii remote as a screwdriver to start a car? Count me in.

-HL2: Already stated this, but this is an epic series that needs to be on Wii.

-Boy and his Blob: oh wait! THANK YOU! THERE IS A GOD!


"That's why you're still a kid!"