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woah woah twroo i wouldn't be looking for a $400 80gb ps3 this xmas. maybe next xmas. this year you'll be lucky if it goes down to $500. i wouldn't be surprised if the price stays where it is this xmas and by the end of the holiday season they can be sure all the 60gb units are gone and very early next year drop the 80gb to $500. MAYBE by next holiday season there will be another drop to $400. the 80gb might drop to $500 by the end of '07 but no way in hell will $400 be here for another year. and no way will ps3 even ship 11 million by the end of '07 unless they are talking about the fiscal year in march.

i expect ps3 to hit around 7 million sales by the end of the year (think about it, 1 million more through the end of september and october and into the beginning of november. then maybe 1.5 in november/december for the holiday season. can't see it being any higher than that). 360 is at 11 million now, they have a great lineup this fall so maybe 12.5 by early november and another 2 million for the holidays so no higher than 14.5 million i'd say. wii at over 11.5 now. maybe 13 by early november then they unleash their built up stores of consoles so maybe 3 million more for the holidays so 16 million.
so wii 16 mil, 360 14.5 mil, ps3 7 mil. guarantee i'm not more than .5 mil off on any of those predictions.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy