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Get ready Kingdom Hearts fans. Square Enix announced today at TGS that they're working on three new Kingdom heart titles. Each with awful titles. Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is a new PSP adventure. Kingdom Hearts: Coded is a mobile game. Note that there are about a million mobile games on show here. Last one is Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, a co-operative (think Crystal Chronicles) DS game. Can you HANDLE that much Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts fans?


W T F SQUARE ENIX?!  You already  milked the  final fantasy series into the ground, why screw up kingdom hearts? A mobile game?  Have you no shame? (sigh)....oh well. I was looking foward to a PS3 and a Wii version but you go all mobile on me....

Heres some detail on each of the games taken from the press conference.

Birth By Sleep, the PSP game, appears to be a KH1/KH2-styled action adventure title set in the distant past of the KH-verse. It stars three keyblade apprentices in search of a lost Master, and appears to be directly related to the trailer found at the end of KH2: Final Mix.

358/2 Days, the DS game, is a DS game starring Roxas, during his time as an Organization member (it would appear), and other members can be used as either party members or co-op characters. Not much else is known on this one.

Coded, the cell phone game, takes place after KH1, but before KH2, starring a "virtual" Sora. Wonder how they're going to explain that one.

Whats about you guys? Excited or worried? Which game are you most looking foward to?

(god help you if you pick the cellphone)