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In terms of highlights coming out of this show, I’d say Nintendo’s Iwata keynote is the one that you’ll really want to watch (Jeremy will be live blogging it tomorrow morning). I thought he was just going to be talking about Motion Plus and DSi, but it turns out he’s going to be announcing quite a few new games — for Wii, Wiiware, and Virtual Console (and this won’t just be Nintendo titles, but also third party stuff). I’ve already heard about a few of them (including one that makes me all giddy…I can’t wait for tomorrow now).


I know one should never get hyped but damn, this sounds very good. Got this from GAF so credit to whoever found the article. It's pretty much mandatory that with every keynote something big comes, looks like this year will be no different!

Said keynote will be tomorrow and I also think the same case is for Kojima. Sony having ther huge party thingy tomorrow as well so basically tomorrow is going to be HUGE for many.