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You forgot Test Drive and Flat Out UC. GT is not out and won't be out for a long time. GT: Prologue is not a full game so .... Anyway, back on topic ... I was in the same boat back in April when I finally got bore with Wii. I was looking at both PS3 and 360. I read all the websites, review, compare all the stat, prices etc., then I went to local game stores and take one look at the gaming wall for 360 and compare that to PS3 my mind was made up at that point. I want the system that I can enjoy now, not 6 months from now, or next year. I have 360 for about 5 months and have yet to have a single problem with it. I enjoy every mininute of gaming on it. If I have gotten the PS3 I would still be waiting for GT , FF etc., with 360, I already played Dirt , finish Bioshock, Forza , PGR3 and looking forward to Halo 3, PGR4 and Mass Effect in next month or two. Not to mention currently playing with Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata and Stranglehold. There is just no comparison ... if you love gaming, 360 is probably the best system to get now. Only bad thing since I got the 360 is the poor Wii is left untouch unless we have people over.