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SmokedHostage said:

I just curious because it seems that GTTV and people on this site alike seem to think it's the only recent hardcore game on Wii..

I've grown to believe that Hardcore gamers are fickle.. and they aknowledge games with 80+ scores on Metacritic and Gamerankings.  Honestly.. Why isn't Deadly Creatures or House of the Dead: Overkill in this category. >:(

Hostage asked not so much "what games showcase hardcore" but rather "why is madworld constantly showcased"? My believe is that the "casual" (ugh) argument is so much a part of the GamerSnob's mantra now, that wii fans will pick the most over the top hardocre game to balance out any doubt. Picture yourself as a HD fanboy on Gametrailers with the "wii is party games" mantra in your head. Now, what screenshot will convince you faster?


Or this?


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