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selnor said:
A games developer started this thread on another site. (Not sure if I can mention site. If I'm aloud tell me.)

What follows is a copy and paste of his first post.

360 or PS3: A Game Developer's Perspective


4) DVD vs Bluray: Many fanboys make a big deal about Bluray, and how it is needed for games. Honestly, it is nice. It is one area that developers can not worry about, and as a result you'll see a PS3 exclusive talking about how big each level takes (2Gb, so on). That is because, basically, they can be lazy with Bluray. They can duplicate data, a lot, to help their load times. They can include multiple languages. But, end of day, I don't believe consumers will see a difference or care about these. So Bluray allows a developer to be a bit more lazy with their disc layout and usage. This isn't true for 360. Developers need to care more about it. It is an issue. But - it isn't a deal breaker. Most developer would honestly tell you, 9GB of game data is a hell of a lot once things are compressed and 360 can compress stuff really well on disc. Load times are slower on blueray, it's a fact. But the PS3 can cache on their hard disk, so that helps. Overall, I would give this a tie... or perhaps slight edge to PS3 only because it means you have an HD video format built into the system.


How are we meant to take your Game Developer friend seriously when he doesn't even know how much game data you can have on a 360 DVD9?

Mike B and Seianr actually sound like they know what they are talking about. You just come across as a fanboy.