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Khuutra said:
Cueil said:
scottie said:
Man this thread dive bombed quickly

1) never call a Wii game a flop after 1 week of sales, you will look like an idiot if you do

2) Madworld was released in Europe for 2 days, and has not seen an Australian release yet

3) People did not call LBP a flop. Before it was released, Sony fanboys were overhyping it, claiming it would sell over 5 (or even in some cases) 10 million. We laughed at these people, but that does not mean the game was a flop

4) (and this isn't at the OP) Madworld is quite well suited to the Wii. In my opinion, it wouldn't have sold as well on the PS360 because it is too unique, too different.

5) Why did you create this thread? Certainly not to have a discussion, because in the OP you ask a question, then answer it and pretend that your answer is the only correct one.

This game would have sold asstons more on the 360... it's not unique in any sense but it's art direction...

People say this, but I'm not as sure. The 360's library for brawlers is already very strong. Ninja Gaiden alone fulfills most of those needs!

I just have a feeling i would be lost in the shuffle, like every other game by this studio.

(I hope it is not lost in the shuffle here)


 This game is beat your face in... 360 owners really don't have a high quality ass kicking title like this.  Ninja Gaiden fulfils the need to be a Ninja that doesn't act like a Ninja, but still wield their weapons and looks like them.  I think it would have done better than Too Human maybe even hit in the 300k-500k range in not more... depends on how much advertising it got.