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@ sieanr

Personally, I think part of his disdain for MS is because DOS "killed" the Amiga, in his mind.

Nah DOS didn't kill the Amiga. Of course greatly preferring preemptive multitasking 32-bit GUI-based multimedia OSes in the 80s, I wasn't much a fan of MSDOS, although I did tinker with it and MacOS for a while under emulation. Using MacOS software on the Amiga was much cooler though, as the Amiga could emulate MacOS software through a software emulator faster than an equavalently specced genuine Mac could, all this while still alllowing for true multitasking (at the time MacOS couldn't do this).

If you want some real fun, look up one of his older posts where he declares the Cell to be the pinnicle of thousands of years of human acheivement

The fact is that a lot of R&D went into designing and developing the Cell processor, thousands of manyears work, A LOT more than is the case with regard to the Xenon processor.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales