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Apostrovich said:

His entire point is that a religious person believes he already knows the truth, because the truth is in the bible, which is the word of god and thus not subject to question. Therefore he does not have to search. A man who really wanted to know the truth would want to know if the bible was really written by god. If it was, that's what you study for truth. But the bible was written by early christians about 1700 years ago. Except for the old testament, which is about 2500 to 3000 years old. And it does not jive with things we can already prove as truth.

@Kas If you did everything right, you won't need to remember anything, because from what I hear, heaven is nicer than earth. And lasts forever. Don't think I don't regret that it isn't real...I'd like it to be real, but it isn't...or, more accurately, even if it did exist, since nobody ever came back to tell anyone else about it, I doubt it is anything like what the bible says. Considering most cultures don't really have a heaven...or a hell, for that matter. Most of the time it's just kind of another life for your soul, not really reward or punishment. 

The bible wasn't really written 1700 years ago so much as compiled 1700 years ago.  I don't really use the bible though.  It might be the word of god, might be the part of the relgious writings that were kept because they fit the roman empires views best.  Who knows since the rest of the scripts were destroyed.  Also, it's not like christianity is the only religion.  As for it's accuracy, you'd be surprised, every few months they uncover stuff that surprisngly is only mentioned in the bible or that show the bible is more accurate then was once thought.  As far as the biblical countires that arn't supposed to exist and such.  I'm fairly sure most christians veiw most of it as just a metaphor in most places anyway however with the things mentioned as examples.

As for Heaven.  Well that's another part of the "weird" for me as my ideal world doesn't equal the common conception of heaven.  Most people see it like a Star Trek Holodek or something, given the option I'd perfer to live on earth until humans died out then live in a place where nothing but good things happen to me.  In a world like that my memories of bad times would actually be more valuable to me.  Pretty much a life where even perminant diseases only lasted a lifetime and everything pretty much worked as it does now would suit me best.  Well minus rape and murder.   It'd be a lot harder to ethnically cleanse someone if you had to look at them the next day.  Hah like that episode of Southpark where Sadam Hussein is in hell and they kill him only to have him come back and say something like "Where did you expect me to go?  Detroit?"

Personally i can't see heaven as a place like that anyway.  I mean could i be happy if my Grandma wasn't in heaven?  Why no i don't think i could be happy knowing my grandma is either non existant or being tortured for eternity.  Of course my Grandma is a nice old lady so i'm fine.  But what about Hitlers Grandmother?  She might of been a perfectly nice lady, who couldn't enjoy heaven if her son was tortured for all eternity.  Nor likely could a jewish person who was killed in the holocaust be happy if Hitler was in heaven after what he went though... unless he was a really big person anway.  So there's gotta be some dissatisfaction somewhere.

I mean everything being good and happening good cheapens everything.  I mean i feel sorry for the person who the worst thing that's happened to them is that they lost a game of Halo or something.

What I generally believe is that their is a god, i'd say the christian/jewish/muslim god based on personal expierences when i was younger.  If that fails, hey he's got the numbers on his side, I mean Buhda pretty much said to not treat him as a god, so Buddhisms out, and Hinduism pretty accepts all gods anway.

So i'll believe in him, thank him for creation and live my life staying true to myself as I imagine that is the best gift i can give him back.  After all if he wanted me to be someone else i'd of been created someone else.  If I end up being wrong and it's a different god, or i'm wrong and he's got a problem with how i live my life, i'll apologize accept whatever punishment is handed down and go my own way, assuming i'm not smote or something.  I imagine it will involve a lot of being upset though as upsetting your creator would well... suck.

While if i'm wrong, eh I'll never know anyway.