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According to our research, you’ll be dead by:
November 2075, Age 86

Probable Cause:
Old Age

Life Span:

You have 24356.1 days left on this earth.
You’ve already lived 23% of your life.
You Live 86.1 Years
Average Female Life Span: 77.1 years

As you can plainly see, you have more health and vitality than the average woman.

Why You Die:

56% Old Age
24% Car Accident
13% Loneliness
5% Drowning Of The Lungs
2% Wounds

I don't really believe in those things since who knows if there would be some crazy virus or some natural disaster that kills us before... Though I'm quite a healthy person, especially when it comes to food. I could exercise more but a little is better than none, eh? X3

With all that said, I hope I die of old age... In my peaceful sleep. Leaving with a smile.