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So I've finished the first world and so far I'm digging the game.


  • Moving takes a little while to get use to but but the third level you've got it down cold and are hopping and sliding like a pro.
  • The game isn't easy. I died once on the mini boss and nearly died in stage 4 on the way to the boss. I'd imagine that if they didn't flat out tell you how to beat the stage 4 boss (which I get to in the lows) I imagine that would have been difficult too. Also, this game isn't difficult because of the controls.
  • The 4 levels I've been on so far have been pretty brilliantly designed. I seriously thought I went everywhere and only ended up finding only 80-90 of my buddies in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th stage (though I'm pretty sure I know where I missed in stage 4). The levels are big and you end up going all around them.
  • Using Dewey's three forms works very well. Each one has specific purposes and has disadvantages and advantages. It's also incredibly easy to switch between them and quickly switch between them.
  • Killing enemies and the mini boss was a lot of fun.
  • The game is absolutely unforgiving with death. There are no checkpoints and you only have one life. If you die in a level, you have to start it over. Some people may see this as a bad, I kind of like it.
  • The game is pretty nice looking. It's not up to par with Metroid Prime 3 but that's not a bad thing since Metroid Prime 3 is the best looking so far (graphic power wise). Dewey has its own style and it works beautifully with this game. Also, though the voice acting is crap, the opening cut scenes are just incredibly looking. They're done by the same artist as the Elebits cut scenes except this time they have some parallaxing that makes for a really nice effect.
  • It looks like the game is going to have some lasting appeal. I don't think getting through the game will take me long, but getting all 100 of Dewey's buddies and A's (or S's I think-- pretty sure there's an S rank) will take a while. Also, I've heard the multiplayer is actually pretty fun, hopefully I'll get to try that out Friday.


  • I don't like shaking the remote up and down to shoot out of the flowers. I would much rather just have that done automatically.
  • I don't like shaking the remote up and down for a quake and side to side for wind. It really just doesn't feel very good and the shaking of the remote like that can get tiring (especially during the stage 4 boss).
  • The Stage 4 boss would have been awesome if it hadn't outright told me how to beat it. This is a puzzle game and I want to figure this out for myself. The mini boss wasn't like this and I can only hope the other bosses aren't like this.
  • Sometimes jumping from platform from platform could be a little hairy. I'm guessing this is because I'm still fairly new at the game but it can be sometimes hard to judge where you're going to land and where you're jumping to.
  • Puzzles are completely spelled out to you though I imagine that this is because it is only the first world.

All in all, I'm happy with this game so far. It's good for a quick play and I can go back and try to find things I missed. I think some of my gripes will be remedied with just playing the game a little more and playing something beside the first world. I will be really upset if they keep spoon feeding you the puzzles though I really doubt they will.

Also, I completely agree that this was moved up because of Halo though I don't take that as a bad thing. Everybody knows Halo is a huge release and not much else is going to sell that week regardless of how good or bad the game is. This game is in no way in competition with Halo so there's no need to worry there.