@Bitmap Frogs:
Heh, I don't remember whether I wrote it in this thread or in another, but I looked for iSuppli last PS3 BOM estimate, IIRC it used October 2008 data, I found a link to a partial summary that detailed some costs, but not those of BD and HDD, and the link to the detailed BOM was broken (http://www.isuppli.com/L2_Teardowns-Personal-HomeEntertainment.aspx?PID=1047 ). Last time I read an iSuppli BOM, though, HDD price was incredibly high, totally outdated.
Up until now googling for XB Arcade BOM, the most pertinent article I found was about Sony claiming XB Arcade isn't worth its price, so, apart the obvious bias, almost the exact opposite of what I say
Edit: I found a XB 360 iSuppli cost analysis, but it was a 2005 one, just a little bit outdated...