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HUMANS are transitional. EVERYTHING is transitional. Humans are not the end all of evolution. For example, our bone structure is around 40 percent less massive than a caveman's. That is because they ALL had to be strong, because any minor injury could cripple your ability to survive. And if you want useless body parts here you go.

Plica semilunaris--vestigial remnant of the nictitating membrane, which is a second eyelid no longer useful to humans.

Coccyx----remnant of the tail humans no longer have

Goosebumps---originally intended to raise the body hair we no longer have in order to keep us warm, also happens in moments of stress, also no longer useful

grasping reflex--the ability of infants to grasp and hold their own body weight, originally used when humans had enough hair to grasp, and needed both hand to say, climb a tree to escape with the infant

L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase--a gene, found functional in most other mammals, which produces a Vitamin C-catalyzing enzyme, is now no longer functional, but still present

I suggest you look up the concept of vestigiality.

And I also suggest you look up stromatolites, my reasoning being that many many forms evolved from them, yet they still exist.

Also if you look around a see a world a god would have created, you believe in a pretty nasty god. Tell everybody on this planet starving right now that god loves them.