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Apostrovich said:

You show me some evidence of god and we'll talk. I already showed you a cut and dry example of evolution. And apparently you don't believe that evolution is real, yet you admit that things are created in succession. So you DO believe in evolution, you just think that god made them all? How about you read the rest of the page as well, not just the pictures? Why would god create all of those different stages in horse evolution? And put them all in the appropriate geological strata?

Also not believing that which there is absolutely no evidence for is not being closed minded.

I hope I can post this link...I don't see why not, it is referenced intensely. Be forewarned, it is 44 minutes long. But the entire thing is very interesting.

I'd say it applies to this topic quite well.

 No evidence? Look around! Tell me how many coincedences there had to be to get our intelligent race up and running. No evolutionist can possibly explain this. Our planets position, our solar systems position, our suns position. All the evolutionary paths that had to be set straight to get us where we are. Michael Behe, talks often in his books about irreduciable complexity, meaning that there are system within us that require many pieces all in place all at once to function. Evolution and natural selection explain that a change occurs and when that change serves a purpose it stays helping us to survive. But how can you assume that every function in our body magically had all the right components pop up all at once. Like consider all the things in your car that contribute to your stereo. you have speakers, cd player, radio antenna, and wiring. Now lets say your car was an evolving life form, and one day bam! a speaker poped up. I doubt that even within a billion years of random evolutions and mutations would just happen to get wires that connect to those speakers and magically connect them to a radio, and even if it did without power going to the radio it wouldn't work. These things are to complex to happen by chance. It's like shaking the parts of a gameboy up in a box and expecting them to snap in place. It would never happen. If you see something like a house, a game system, a car, you know it's created designed, because it's to complex to just get smacked together accidentally, not even with some motion involved. LIke a little kid is never going to randomly hit keys on a piano and accidnetally play an amazing song.

Now what scientists would have you believe is that a simplier structure would continue to exist based on some simpler uses or fuctioning. Like the eye is commonly used and is spoken of as perhaps being able to make out light and dark shapes, prior to full blown vision. Now that sounds good in theory, but you still are depending on an amazing amount of coincedences to get the eye to that point. Let take a whale for example. a whale is a mammal, and it's been said that to go from a land animal to a water animal it would have required 100,000 evolutionary changes. and at some point complex things would to have to coincendently happened like when it made the transition to water. Plus look at how well designed and how useful everything is in the environment, if I'm to believe all this random crap is generated, we'd have tons of useles body parts tons of wacky hybird like animals exist, yet the only useless thing around is the appendix, I can't seem to find another thing. Seems unlikely that that would be evolutions only left over part. Plus when looking at evolitionary transitions I'm always looking at bones, why on earth with how slow these transitions are, is there not a single living transition? why did every transitional living between all the species today die off? Fox example, like primates, you can say we're close to apes, but what about the species between the two, I'd think there'd be at least group of talking semi-intelligent apes, but no there isn't, the civilization differences are startling. So in the end, I believe what I believe because I look around and a see a world a God would have created, not a random world created by chance. I could argue about a billion things, but in the end thats why I believe what I believe.