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Apostrovich said:
You don't base religious or life beliefs around evolution. You base absence of them around evolution. There is no such thing as failing in the biological sense. "Failing" to produce offspring implies that you are either physically, mentally, or environmentally unable to reproduce. It can only help the gene pool. And failure to believe that you and everything else are a product of one invisible, all knowing omnipotent being that is perfect in every way is not pessimism. It's only pessimistic compared to primitive delusions of grandeur that in many cases can be traced back to the use of hallucinogenic drugs used during the stone age to create "spiritual trances" meant to complete a hunt in the "dream world" and thus ensure it's success in the "real" world.

I didn't say it's pessimistic to not believe in a God, I said believing your life amounts to nothing when you die, tends to give many a sort of pessimistic view. I knew many people who were atheists and they tended to be very jaded about life.


And my argument about failing biologically was intended to discuss the nature of the surival of the fittest mentality, produced within evolution. You see if you actually believed in evolution, you'd also believe every natural inclination and the most common natural inclinations in man would be the result of evolution. It shouldn't have to be a life choice, it should be a desire and intention you are born with. That's not a religious point of view I'm quoting evoltionary physcology. If natural selection is responsible for us, why are so many content with not contributing to the gene pool, when it should be our sole goal in life?

You'll just have to excuse me for believing it's not just primitive delusions, that I don't believe an absurd number of coincedences lined up perfect to form incredibly intelligent beings that have resulted in me sitting here laughing, enjoying a coffee. Life has taught me things don't line up so easily. What would you tell a guy who says to you, "Hey maybe I'll keep winning the lottery every day till I have a billion dollars!" I'd call that a dellusion, and yet that's far more probable then evolution occuring.