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Because everything is racially motivated, right?

And look at the article - how many times is race mentioned as a motivator? Once. And it's not by either cop.

Does it matter if the guy that got shot was black? I don't think so. I still believe this was a dumb rookie cop that made a huge mistake and shot the guy. Not because he was black, but because the cop was stupid.

I find it interesting you say that if it was a white-on-white crime, it'd just be senseless. Now since it's black-on-white then it *obviously* must be racial!

I think the only way that we're going to get past the whole issue of racial strife is when we stop looking at everything as being racially motivated, and get down to the core issues of right & wrong behavior. If the firearm was planted on the guy, the cop should be tried, convicted, and locked away - not because of racial motivations, but because it's the right penalty for the crime.

Furthermore, what if the blacks in the community hated the white cops, and wanted to make a story out of it? What if the cop shot the man in self defense, and the community rallied around the evil white pigs? What then? It is a two way street 'ya know. This is why we have to wait and see how it plays out. I doubt, however, the FBI, Justice Dept. and Louisiana State Police will botch it up. Before crying 'race!' Lets cry 'justice!'

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.